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Poodle Separation Anxiety
Poodle Separation Anxiety is a high-stress topic. Typically, it is stressful for the poodle in question as well as the owner. Plainly put, Separation anxiety

Ultimate Guide on Poodle Barking
It is not uncommon that smaller breeds like a toy poodle and even the miniature poodle to have quite the reputation for being avid barkers.

Phantom Poodles
Solid colored poodles are the most common. While this is a known fact, there is a lot to know and understand about phantom poodle coloring.

How to Bathe a Poodle?
Overview Bathing your poodle is one of the most important things that you can do for them aside from grooming, training and feeding them

Apricot Poodles
Apricot poodles are some of the most sought after poodle colors. With their beautiful cheery, warm, sunny coats, it’s no wonder. They are sometimes confused

Black Poodles
Poodles come in a ton of colors and while they are all beautiful in their own way, it can be difficult to decide. Today we