the ultimate poodle Guide

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Poodle Separation Anxiety

Poodle Separation Anxiety is a high-stress topic. Typically, it is stressful for the poodle in question as well as the owner. Plainly put, Separation anxiety

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phantom poodle

Phantom Poodles

Solid colored poodles are the most common. While this is a known fact, there is a lot to know and understand about phantom poodle coloring.

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Poodle covered with towel after bath

How to Bathe a Poodle?

Overview   Bathing your poodle is one of the most important things that you can do for them aside from grooming, training and feeding them

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Apricot Poodles

Apricot poodles are some of the most sought after poodle colors. With their beautiful cheery, warm, sunny coats, it’s no wonder.  They are sometimes confused

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beautiful black poodle with gray background

Black Poodles

Poodles come in a ton of colors and while they are all beautiful in their own way, it can be difficult to decide. Today we

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Welcome to Poodle Adventures!

Hi my name is Lucas! I’ve grown up with and owned many poodles over the years. On this site I’ll share with you everything I know about this fantastic breed. 

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We help you find the best grooming tools for your beloved poodle. We're talking the coolest clippers, the best shampoos and more!


We help you find the best grooming tools for your beloved poodle. We're talking the coolest clippers, the best shampoos and more!
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We help you find the best food for your hungry poodle. We're talking the best of the best!


We help you find the best food for your hungry poodle. We're talking the best of the best!
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Looking for the best training gear for your poodle? Look no further, we've got you covered!


Looking for the best training gear for your poodle? Look no further, we've got you covered!
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