About Poodle Adventures

welcome to Poodle adventures!
Hey there! My name is Lucas! Like many of you, I’m a proud owner of a beautiful standard poodle.
For those of you that are here to learn about the breed, I think you’ll find just about anything you need to know from this site.
I’ve owned many breeds of dogs throughout my lifetime and I must say that the standad poodle is one of the most intelligent, fun loving and I dare say, majestic of them all.
Why did I start this site?
I started this site because I have owned many poodles during my lifetime along with several other breeds.
My family and I have just recently brought home our newest poodle puppy several months ago and it’s been such a joy having him around.
While I’ve been having a blast training and bonding with him I remembered the days when I got my first dog. He was a handful and I wanted to learn as much as I could as quickly as I could!
I wanted to know how to teach him to sit, how to potty train him and what was the best food to feed him and more!
It’s my hope that I can share my experience of decades of owning poodles with you!
My goal is to help you find everything you need about poodles
All of the content here on Poodle Adventures has been written and edited by me. From time to time I may use freelancers to cover a particularly in depth topic however nothing is posted with out my approval.
As the Chief Editor, my goal is to ensure that I am able to provide you with the most accurate information that you can trust and rely on.