phantom poodle

Phantom Poodles

Solid colored poodles are the most common. While this is a known fact, there is a lot to know and understand about phantom poodle coloring. It’s important to note that phantom poodle coloring is much different than mismarks, tuxedo poodles and parti poodles. 

Here we will take a closer look at this unique coloring found in some poodles and why. 

What is Phantom Coloring?


To be clear a phantom poodle is not a different Type of poodle or a different breed.  The term simply describes the unique coloring of the dog. 

This particular type of coloring, while admired by many poodle owners, it is not accepted by the AKC for confirmation. 

Phantom colored poodles have a mixture of two different colors.  not to be confused with parti colored poodles. The term phantom only refers to poodles that have certain marketings on a solid background. Phantom poodles will have solid backgrounds of the following colors:

Black, white, cream, silver, apricot, white or brown.

They are typically categorized into more distinctive groups. These groups include:

  • Black phantoms
    • Black & cream
    • Black & silver
    • Black & apricot
    • Black & brown
    • Black & brown
    • Black & red
  • Chocolate phantoms
    • Brown & apricot
  • Red phantoms
    • Red & apricot
  • Silver phantoms 
    • Silver & cream


In order to be considered a phantom poodle, markings must occur in certain areas of the poodle’s coat. Markings of a phantom must be:

  • Above each eye
  • On both sides of the cheeks or muzzle
  • Across the chest
  • Down the legs
  • Beneath the tail. 

Another thing to keep in mind that separates phantom poodles from parti poodles aside from the type of markings they both have is that phantoms are born with their markings. It is not something that shows up as the dog ages. 


Phantom Poodle Genetics 


When it comes to genetics, phantom poodles share similar genetic traits to brindle poodles. With that being said, a female or male phantom poodle can produce a litter of brindle puppies. A female or male brindle poodle can also produce a litter of phantom puppies. 

The term “brindle” when it comes to dog breeds means that a coat is striped with dark and light hairs creating a striping pattern. 

It’s important to note, however, that with poodles, the term brindle actually means “sable”. Sable means that the coat itself is one color and the tips of the hairs of that coat are black. Typically this sabling fades in the coat or disappears as the dog matures. 

Phantom poodles must have a ky/ky genotype. This is a non-solid black that allows for other colors to be expressed. In addition, an E (allows for brindling) or EM (gives a black mask) and also have the at/at gene which allows for tan points to be expressed. 


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